Thai Legal Advisors

January 12, 2016

Jurisdiction of the Thai Labor Court

In Thailand, the Labor Court has both exclusive and limited subject matter jurisdiction over disputes between employers or employees and other matters related to labor law. According to Section 8 of the Act on the Establishment and Procedure of the Labor Court of B.E. 2522 (1979) (“the Act”) the Labor Court has jurisdiction over such matters as disputes over rights […]
December 9, 2015

Drafting Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand

Contrary to common assumption, drafting a prenuptial agreement in Thailand is not a complicated process at all. It only takes for someone who wants to draft the said document to consult a lawyer with extensive experience on prenuptial agreement and of its governing law specifically Sections 1465 until 1469 of the Civil and Commercial Code. What a Prenuptial Agreement is […]
November 10, 2015

Buying Off-Plan Properties in Thailand

When venturing into any form of investment, risks are always involved. These pitfalls may exist like booby traps, just lying and waiting for an unsuspecting individual to fall or they simply reveal themselves as the project progresses. Off-plan properties are not exempted from these risks and in view of this type of property investment, there are at least three sides […]
January 9, 2015

Property Agents: Friends or Foes?

Determining a friend from a foe can be very hard. Sometimes, you have to experience the commission of an act first in order to reveal the ulterior motives of certain people. Property agents are no different but if you come into contact with them well prepared, the possibilities of you being taken advantage by a property agent will be minimal. […]