Family Law

May 29, 2024

Child Support in Thailand

Child support in Thailand is a crucial aspect of family law, designed to ensure that children receive adequate financial support from their parents, regardless of the parents’ marital status. This article provides an overview of the legal framework, processes, and practical considerations related to child support in Thailand. Legal Framework Parental Responsibility: Under Thai law, both parents are responsible for […]
December 9, 2015

Drafting Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand

Contrary to common assumption, drafting a prenuptial agreement in Thailand is not a complicated process at all. It only takes for someone who wants to draft the said document to consult a lawyer with extensive experience on prenuptial agreement and of its governing law specifically Sections 1465 until 1469 of the Civil and Commercial Code. What a Prenuptial Agreement is […]
September 29, 2014

Foreign Couple’s Marriage Sealed in Thailand: Will It Be Legally Binding?

Thailand is an ideal place for couples to get married. In fact, it has all the necessary beauty that romanticists look for in sealing their lifetime commitment with their special someone. If you are among these type of marrying individuals or couples then go over the whole article and you will find that tying the knot in Thailand is as […]
September 25, 2014

Divorce Decree in Thailand

When getting divorced in Thailand, it is important to hire an experienced family law attorney who understands the legal requirements of Thai law and also the personal requirements of their clients. A properly drafted divorce decree is important to minimize future conflict by clearly delineating the rights and obligations of the parties. If you hire an experience Thai family law […]